Hey ihr Lieben! Ich bin Lucia – diejenige, die es liebt, eure Momente, Liebe und Wünsche durch meine Linse festzuhalten. Ich vertraue auf die Zauberhaftigkeit der aufrichtigen und authentischen Fotografie, und genau das ist mein Ziel – eure Momente auf die lebendigste und echteste Art einzufangen!
Es geht nicht nur um das Klicken des Auslösers, sondern darum, gemeinsam mit euch eure Vorhaben herauszuarbeiten und neue, aufregende Wege zu erkunden. Eure Hochzeit ist mehr als nur ein Tag; es ist ein Kapitel in eurer einzigartigen Liebesgeschichte, und ich bin hier, um dafür zu sorgen, dass jede Seite davon mit Bildern erzählt wird.
Lasst uns zusammen die Emotionen einfangen, die Blicke voller Liebe, die spontanen Lacher und die stillen Augenblicke der Zärtlichkeit. Ich möchte, dass ihr euch in meinen Bildern wiedererkennt und dass sie eure Geschichte erzählen.
Ich freue mich darauf, mit euch zu plaudern, eure Vision zu verstehen und Teil eures einzigartigen Abenteuers zu sein. Lasst uns gemeinsam diese besonderen Momente für die Ewigkeit festhalten!
Here’s where you can go on a deeper dive into what started your photography journey and why you love it so much – talk about your motivations and purpose, why every shoot is a new experience.
You can also write about your overall style and personality, what makes you different from all the other photographers they’ve researched. Don’t be shy!
Talk about how your photos will help them relive the day for years and generations to come.
Here’s where you can delve further into your favourite things outside of wedding photography – everyone might be able to be a photographer, but there’s little quirks that make you unique – chat about that.
Maybe you can talk about your favourite hobbies, food, art or leisure activities. What you do to wind down when you’re not shooting – pets, your family, your hometown.
You can also use this opportunity to rehash your love for travelling – a great way for you to subtly remind them that you’re open to shooting destination weddings.
Remember to wrap up this section by tying it back into wedding photography. For example, “That’s a little sneak peek into my life and a few of my favourite things. No matter who and where we are, we’re all souls wandering this beautiful earth, with a different story to share. No tale is one and the same. And that’s why I LOVE documenting love stories (and hopefully yours too!)”
Uncover your overall approach to the day and an overview of your process. Help them picture what it’s like to have you there on the day and why what you do is so important. Mention how you’ll help them ensure the day flows smoothly, because you’ve had loads of experience at other weddings.
For example, talk about how you’ll arrive at first light to capture the mother-of-the-bride and the bridal squad helping the bride get ready. Or the groomsmen sneaking a few drinks to calm their nerves.
Chat about how you’ll turn up after one too many coffees, buzzing with energy to capture one of the most important, memorable days in their lives, and that you won’t miss a moment.
Write about documenting the getting ready prep through to ceremony, reception and afterparty (if relevant). How you’ll be there in the centre of it all or as a wallflower behind the scenes, photographing moments and details that they might’ve missed (e.g. Aunty Doris getting drunk on the d-floor). Whether you stick to purely candid shots or will pose them for styled shots.
In this area write about what started your journey into photography and what it is you love about it.
You can also write about how you best serve your clients and ensure them that you will go above and beyond to make sure the feel comfortable in front of the leans and that they will love the photos.
"Place a review from a client here about how amazing you are to work with and how stunning you photos are! Remember to keep it short."
"Place your second review here. Something a little like...Chantelle made our wedding day. She is such a joy to be around and our photos are stunning!"
"Keep those reviews coming. Make sure they are quick, easy and interesting to read. Also your review should specify the specific result your client achieved from using you."
"Last but not least your show stopper! Make sure your clients know that you are the real deal and loved by your clients. "